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Warehouse organizing
Updated over 2 months ago

1. The overview of warehouses

1. Go to the menu bar, navigate to "Inventory" and press "Warehouses".

2. Press "+ New" to create a new warehouse.

2. Add new warehouse

3. Give the new warehouse a name.

4. Press "Create" to create the new warehouse.

3. Opening the warehouse

5. Press the name of the warehouse to open the warehouse.

4. General information from the warehouse

6. Here you see the general information of the warehouse, you can change the warehouse name and the short code of the warehouse here.

7. Save the changes.

8. Press "Locations" to manage the (sub) locations.

5. Creating a new sublocation

9. Press the create button to create a new location.

6. Name the location

10. Give the location a name.

11. Press "Create" to create the new warehouse.

7. The overview of articles

12. In this menu you can open the different overviews and management options of the opened warehouse.

13. Under the tab "Items" you can see the stock per item in the warehouse.

14. By pressing "+" you can create a new mutation. With this you can register incoming mutation, outgoing mutation or a correction.

8. Create Stock Rules

15. Press "Stock Rules" to open the overview of stock rules.

16. Press "+" to create a new stock rule.

9. A new stock line

17. Indicate which item it concerns.

  • Minimum stock: This is the minimum stock you always want to have of this item in the warehouse.

  • Maximum stock: This is the maximum stock you want to have of this item in the warehouse.

  • Stock threshold: This is the threshold value at which you want action to be taken. Like ordering new items.

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