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Inspectieformulier invullen via de planningsactiviteit
Inspectieformulier invullen via de planningsactiviteit
Meer dan 3 maanden geleden bijgewerkt

1. To open a scheduling activity

1. Press the scheduling activity to open it.

2. Safety alert

After opening, every person involved in the project will see the safety warnings applicable to the project, including the reviewer.

2. Here you see the general information about the safety warning.

3. Here you will see the safety warning, in this case the warning that you should lift the panel in the correct way. Check the warning to indicate that you have read the warning.

3. Finalize safety warning

4. Check the warnings.

5. Press "Finish" to complete the alert.

4. Viewing the activity

To deliver the planning activity (the review) go to "Delivery".

6. Here you see the general information of the activity.

7. Here you see the customer data.

8. Here you can see the plans and documents related to the project.

9. Press "Completion" to deliver the inspection.

5. Filling out the form

Now that you've opened the (inspection) form, it's time to fill it out.

10. Here you see text fields, by pressing the text field you can type in it.

11. Pressing the image allows you to upload images.

6. To upload an image

12. Choose whether to take a photo with the camera app or upload a photo from your photo gallery.

7. Have the form signed

13. Press "Signature" to have the customer sign.

8. Signature

14. The customer can put his/her signature in this field.

15. Press "Save" to save the signature.

9. Open tickets

In addition to filling out the form, you can also create a ticket. A ticket allows you to assign a task to someone else (or yourself). You may come across something during the inspection that needs additional action.

16. Press "Tickets."

10. Create a new Ticket

17. Press "New Ticket" to create a new ticket.

11. Round up the activity

18. Press "Finish" to complete the activity.

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